“Escaping the Underworld” is a play that was written by a local playwright, Erica Hoye. I found it to be very interesting. The script analyzed the idea of the Greek Underworld, controlled by Hades, with his wife, Persephone, as a main character. Having studied different Greek myths, I found the character of Persephone and the different allusions thrown into the play, to be very entertaining. I always love when I can relate something I have learned to the text I am reading. Reading play scripts is similar and different to reading regular novels. Sometimes it is difficult, because scripts are entirely dialogue and stage directions, so keeping up with who is talking to who and where can be difficult. The main character, Jocelyn, who is trying to find her way back to the over world, was very easy to relate to. She is a teenager, so her speech tendencies and stage written mannerisms were very similar to my own.
The only criticism I would give is that the story is a little too complicated, filled with underdeveloped motivations by principal characters. Lee,for instance, is a dead teenager from the 70s who has been waiting for Jocelyn's sister to arrive so he can set the plot in motion. His reason for doing this is clear, until there's a suggestion of a second reason that is never developed. The reasoning holds somewhat of a romantic thought to it, but it isn't ever fully brought up. Why Persephone is so against the escape or whether or not Abby wants to help with the escape or not become a bit fuzzy as well. Some clarity behind character motivation would make this a stronger script. All in all, I thought that this script was very entertaining and is one that those who don't read scripts would enjoy.
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